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Photo Release

indicates a required answer

At OCHA we take and share pictures and/or videos of our students to our social media accounts, website, bulletin boards, Class DoJo and around the school. 

1. *

Please select an option below:

Yes, I give consent for OCHA to photograph and/or record my child/ren for school purposes or at school events.

No, I do not authorize OCHA to photograph and/or record my child for any purpose.

2. *

If you answered "yes" to the question above sign your name below agreeing to the following statement:

I hereby consent to the use of photographs and videos taken during the course of the school year for publicity, promotional and/or educational purposes (including publications, presentation or broadcast via newspaper, internet or other media sources). I do this with full knowledge and consent and waive all claims for compensation for use or for damages.

If you answered "no", please sign "I do not consent".

3. *

Name of child/ren:

4. *

If you answered "yes" to question #1 --- Please select from the following options allowing OCHA permission according to your preferences: 

If you answered "no", please select "I do not consent". 

 (1 required)
Pics/Vids sent to me via messaging/email Pics/Vids shared on OCE social media platforms
Pics/Vids shared on outreacheducation.org Pics/Vids shared on outreachhomeschool.org
Pics used for bulletin boards/in the classroom Pics used for School Yearbook
Pics/Vids shared on Class Dojo/Class dashboard Pics/Vids used for marketing purposes
I do not consent