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Family Agreement

indicates a required answer

Classroom Participation

Students who enroll for classroom participation will use the school’s curriculum. School curriculum includes Accelerated Christian Education, Abeka, Bob Jones, and Association of Christian Schools International (not all-inclusive). Students will be assisted in these classes during school hours. Parents will be responsible for making sure assigned work is completed on time. Parents and teachers will work closely together to formulate a plan for the school year. The school will be an assistant to you, the homeschool parent. Students who enroll to participate in weekly classroom time will be expected to adhere to the following standards:

  1. Be on time to class (classes begin promptly at 8:30 a.m.)
  2. Attend regularly
  3. Comply with school dress code
  4. Bring any and all materials needed to participate in class
  5. All homework is to be completed and turned in or scored
  6. Adherence to classroom rules
  7. Respect for teacher and students


Enrichment Program and Extra-Curricular Participation 

Enrichment classes are held one day per week. These classes include and are not limited to: Spanish, PE, Art and Music/Choir. Students in grades 3-8 are also eligible for Orchestra class participation. Students participating in Enrichment classes and extra-curricular will be expected to adhere to the following standards:

  1. Be on time for class (schedules will be distributed prior to the beginning of the school year)
  2. Attend regularly
  3. Comply with school dress code (gym clothes include navy blue sweat pants, school t-shirt, and tennis shoes)
  4. Bring any and all materials needed to participate in class/activity
  5. All homework is to be completed and returned
  6. Adherence to classroom rules
  7. Respect for teacher and students


Academic Integrity

Homeschooling your children is a privilege. With that privilege comes great responsibility to train your children academically, spiritually, and physically. This requires a full commitment—from all parents and students—to academic and moral integrity. Your signature on this application is your commitment to academic integrity as a parent and as a student.

What does academic integrity mean?

  • You will not abuse the use of the internet.
  • You will not share your work with other students, including siblings.
  • You will not practice plagiarism in any form.
  • You will be expected to do your own work. If you are working with another student on a project, you need to have it approved.

If academic integrity is compromised, the student will be given a failing grade and/or dismissed from OCHA.


Parental/Guardian Responsibilities

  • Must acknowledge and support the use of online and paper curriculum written with a Christ-centered Christian worldview and it's agreement with the OCE mission statement.
  • Must give proper attention to deadlines and daily goals within the guidelines laid out for each individual student. Additionally, allotting necessary time for added creativity in field trips, labs or other special projects related to learning.
  • The parent/guardian is ultimately responsible for their child's learning. This includes students who participate in both Academic Programs and Enrichment Programs through OCE's Homeschool Academy. The parent/guardian will work closely with the Homeschool Cooridnator and/or teacher to maintain proper daily goal setting as well as supervision of those goals and progress.
  • Will work closely with OCHA staff to promote maximum learning with each home educated student.
  • Make themselves aware of and knowledgeable of homeschool laws for their state.
  • It is understood that my child’s attendance is a privilege and not a right. If at any time his/her conduct, academic progress, or cooperation with the school’s authority is not in keeping with the school’s requirements, the school reserves the right to terminate at its discretion any child’s enrollment. The school does not accept students with police records or who have used narcotics, except at the Board’s discretion. OCE reserves the right to request a drug test as well as a police report for each student.
  • I understand that the educational program is an integral part of the school ministry and I am expected to support it.
  • I understand video cameras in classroom are used solely for administrative purposes and are employed for the safety of both staff and students.
  • I hereby commit to assume my Scriptural responsibility to support the school’s educational ministry prayerfully, financially, and wholeheartedly.
  • I understand that my child is expected to take part in school educational activities, including sports and sponsored trips away from the educational facility, and I absolve the school from liability to me or my child because of injury sustained at supervised school-related activities.
  • I agree to uphold and support the high academic standard of the educational ministry by providing a place at home for my child to study and by encouraging my child in the completion of any homework or assignments.
  • I appreciate the standards of the educational ministry and do not tolerate profanity, obscenity in word or action, dishonor to the Godhead or the Word of God, or disrespect the staff of the school.
  • I hereby agree to support regulations in the published school educational Handbook on the applicant’s behalf and authorize the school to employ discipline as it deems wise and expedient for the training of my child.
  • I understand that the school reserves the right to dismiss any child who fails to comply with the established regulations and discipline, or whose parents do not assume their responsibility to the educational ministry.
  • I acknowledge receipt of the school Handbook and understand and agree to the rules and regulations of the Handbook, as well as the terms stated on this application.
  • I acknowledge that OCE assumes a firm stance on specific cultural controversies as delineated in the Handbook and this Application and I commit to support these teachings to the best of my ability. If at any point, my heart changes towards these teachings, I commit to resolving any dispute Biblically and, if necessary, will endeavor to part ways amicably.
  • I understand that this school believes and practices alternative dispute resolution based on the Matthew 18 principle. Our family agrees to handle any conflict that may arise using the Biblical steps of Matthew 18. The parties to the contract (family agreement) agree that if any dispute arises between them regarding the interpretation, performance, or breach of this contract, which cannot be resolved by the direct and mutual effort of the parties, the parties shall submit the disputed matters to legal binding arbitration. The parties agree that this method shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim and waive their rights to file a lawsuit in any civil court, except to enforce this clause or an arbitration decision. The parties shall use a member of the Institute for Christian Conciliation as the arbitrator, unless the parties agree upon another arbitrator.
1. *


Parent signature: